1. The Alumni Association of Modern High School (AMHS) accepts payments towards bonafide Alumni membership after due verification of the details provided by the Alumni..
2. The Alumni Association of Modern High School also accepts payments towards Donations, Corpus Fund, events such as Conferences, Seminars, and Dinners, etc.
1. Refunds however are permissible when the admission to membership is rejected after verification of the alumni details against the database (source from The Alumni association of Modern High School Admin Authority) available from time-to-time.
2. Any contributions which cannot be traced/linked to any of the recognised purposes could be refunded at the sole discretion of the office-bearers of the Alumni Association viz., President, Secretary, Treasurer, and/or Vice President subject to the memorandum of Association of the AMHS. Such refunds will be automated online or against specific request from the payer.
3. The quantum of refund could be a percentage of the payment received subject to a maximum of 75%.